Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Goose bumps

I was walking to the stadium and right before I caught a glimpse of the stadium I heard something, so I turned off my music and listened. It was music to my ears, literally, it was Jalisco at 10:05pm. The band was in the stadium parking lot practicing. It had been awhile since I had heard it and it gave me goose bumps. The season is here we are all getting ready to go in Hog Nation!


  1. hey coach this is your boy Noe the video is ready, i got it on my blog, or on vimeo ( or youtube i like the way it comes out in vimeo better though. so yea. you have the permission to put it up man.

    be blessed

    Noe Longoria

  2. Noe I love it! Its a great video, but can we get a lil Defensive Back love?!?! haha its an awesome video though, keep up the good work!

  3. EVERYTIME I hear Jalisco it sends chills up my spine. Always has and always will. I like the sound of OLD SMOKEY sounding off too.
